This starter kit is for you to quickly hook up with the new Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green. It contains 10 Grove modules and we provide 3 step-by-step projects for you to get started quickly with all modules.
The new Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green is a joint effort by and SeeedStudio. It includes 2 Grove connectors, making it easier to connect to the large family of Grove sensors.
Cool Demos
1. Remote Temperature Monitor
A remote temperature monitor made with Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green and Grove modules. You can upload the data to and view the data on in real time.
2. Smart Table Lamp
A smart table lamp can be controlled via the button, sound, and a web browser. It was using Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green, Grove - Relay, Grove - I2C ADC, Grove - I2C Hub, Grove - Sound, and Grove - Button.