Sensor Prototype Kit with LoRa® and AI

Sensor Prototype Kit with LoRa® and AI

R 2,927.23



SenseCAP K1100 - The Sensor Prototype Kit with LoRa® and AI' enables you to rapidly digitize the world using LoRaWAN® and solve real-world challenges. With this plug-and-play toolkit, anyone can add AI to their edge devices and unlock the potential of AIoT.

In the digital age where IoT and big data are becoming more prevalent, massive data collection through sensors is required to facilitate digital transformation. Under such a background, SenseCAP K1100 comes with all the essential sensors and devices, including a Wio Terminal, an AI Vision Sensor, and a LoRa®-enabled module - that together allows users of all backgrounds and levels to create DIY sensors for data collection and solving real-world challenges.



Deploy in 10 minutes

SenseCAP K1100 enables the easiest deployment and the shortest processing time from the front end to the cloud system. We've spared no effort to adapt the kit to the SenseCAP platform, which provides convenient and full Cloud support. Therefore, the complex and lengthy process to get started will be a thing of the past, and people of various backgrounds and skill sets can make DIY sensors to develop AIoT solutions within 10 minutes.

Walk through this video to get started!

Advanced Technologies

One of the most highlighted features of SenseCAP K1100 is a ready-to-use and always-on Grove-Vision AI Sensor for object detection. It supports customized machine learning models for users to train on Wio Terminal and also allows users to directly import models from the others.

LoRa® is the go-to technology for IoT projects. Wio E5 is the one to empower the kit to have long-distance wireless connectivity with a wide frequency range. It enables users to leverage LoRaWAN® - a high-security and globally standardized wireless network to transmit data in low power and cost-effective ways.

Great Extensibility

SenseCAP K1100 is compatible with Seeed’s open-source hardware series of Grove sensors. Seeed provides a wide variety of 400+ modules for users to choose from, unleashing myriads of expansion and customization options. How? SenseCAP K1100 contains 2 Grove interfaces on the board so that users can build diverse projects with any Grove sensors they need.

Broad Integration

SenseCAP K1100 is integrated with a wide range of cloud services, making it a powerful toolkit for developers to build projects in various ecosystems. Users can easily connect the device to Helium, Azure, SenseCAP, and other mainstream platforms to obtain Cloud support.

As for SenseCAP Console, SenseCAP K1100 offers free data credit usage for 1 year while providing access to the minimized uploading intervals - 5 minutes.

Open-source Platform

SenseCAP K1100 is an open-source prototype kit designed to incentivize the co-creation of IoT sensors to tackle real-world challenges. It is compatible with easy-to-start programming platforms like Arduino for customized coding. In addition, users can also train the Wio Terminal TinyML models using in-builds and Grove sensors.

All the software and hardware in SenseCAP K1100 are open-source with an MIT license. Users can freely develop their products based on the documents we provide and submit their ideas to contribute to the open-source software platform: SenseCraft.

Check out the winners' projects from the "IoT into the Wild" contest to meet like-minded people worldwide - all motivated to use IoT, AI, and Edge Computing to solve real-life challenges, such as wildlife, biodiversity, and environmental conservation.

Upgradable to Industrial Sensors

SenseCAP K1100 serves as a gateway to the higher-end SenseCAP LoRaWAN® series of industrial outdoor sensors. Users can prototype multiple AIoT applications with this kit, after which they can scale them up to the robust, long-life, and industrial SenseCAP sensors.

Highlighted Features

  • Deploy in 10 Minutes: Build an AIoT project through 3 steps in 10 minutes
  • Advanced Technologies: Combination of Machine Learning, LoRa® technology, and pre-trained embedded AI Vision Sensor
  • Great Extensibility: Compatible with 400+ Grove sensors to support extensive applications and customization options
  • Broad Integration: Compatible with mainstream platforms for Cloud support
  • Open-source Platform: Compatible with beginner-friendly programming platforms enabling the co-creation of IoT sensors
  • Upgradable to Industrial Sensors: Gateway to the higher-end SenseCAP series of outdoor sensors for industrial usage


  • Human Traffic Flow Detection: Monitor the data of human traffic flow using the AI Vision Sensor
  • Indoor Air Quality Control: Detect various gas types and carbon dioxide in the air to monitor the atmospheric environment indoors
  • Potted Plants Health Monitor: Monitor data of temperature, humidity, and soil moisture to maintain the optimal environment for the desktop potted plants


Resource and Recommendation

For SenseCAP K1100, we provide abundant product documentation and recommended content for reference in Seeed Studio wiki. Check the links below for materials support.

  • Instruction on connecting devices to the SenseCAP Cloud:

Quick Start with SenseCAP Portal

Quick Start with SenseCAP API

  • Instructions on Arduino sensors programming:

Grove Soil Moisture Sensors

Grove VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor (SGP30)

Grove Temp & Humi Sensor (SHT40)

Grove Vision AI Module

  • Start the IoT journey with a free lesson curriculum from Azure Cloud Advocates:

IoT for Beginners with Seeed and Microsoft


Part List

Wio Terminal


Grove - Wio-E5


Grove - VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor SGP30


Grove - Soil Moisture Sensor


Grove - Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT40)


Grove - Vision AI Module


Grove - Cable


Grove - 4 pin Male Jumper to Grove 4 pin Conversion Cable


USB Cable - Type C